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Technotopia – Stwórz idealne miasto przyszłości!

Wciel się w Iris, zaawansowaną sztuczną inteligencję, i zbuduj utopijną metropolię w grze Technotopia! Twórz dzielnice, spełniaj potrzeby społeczności i utrzymuj kruchą równowagę między walczącymi o wpływy frakcjami. Kapitaliści, arystokraci, politycy i zwykli ludzie czekają na twoje decyzje – każde posunięcie może przechylić szalę władzy! Zarządzaj miastem, rozwiązywaj problemy i nawiązuj kontakty, by stworzyć idealne społeczeństwo.

Sprawdź Technotopię już teraz na!

Social and economic conflicts have rocked the world.

There is just one metropolis that can boast stability, but even this city only has enough resources to maintain a precarious balance of power. The authorities decided to create an algorithm that could build a perfect city for all segments of the population. This project gave birth to Iris, an artificial intelligence designed for building a utopia. Welcome to Technotopia!


Build a perfect city

You will have a deck of cards with buildings at your disposal. Build skyscrapers, parks, residential districts and transport highways. It's up to you to decide what the ideal metropolis should look like.

Maintain the delicate balance

Four factions are fighting for control of the city: capitalists, aristocrats, politicians, and the common people. They will do anything to bend the others to their will, and every decision you make tips the scales. Play the role of arbiter, meeting everyone's needs equally.

Meet public needs

A city is a living organism, where something is always happening that requires your attention. Where do you put up fire victims? What do you do with the gang that has taken control of some districts? Factions will offer their solutions, but it's up to you whether to follow them or advance your own agenda.

Form new connections

The city is home to a variety of characters. Hackers, oligarchs, criminals and inventors — communicate with the cream of the crop and provide them with services in exchange for their help in maintaining order. A perfect city is built for people, with the help of people!

Systémové požadavky

Systémové požadavky


    • OS: Windows 10 64 bit
    • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4440 CPU/AMD Ryzen 5 1600
    • Memory: 8 GB RAM
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960/AMD Radeon R9 200 Series
    • Storage: 3 GB available space
    • Additional Notes: Stay Hydrated

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