Ready or Not: Dark Waters

Ready or Not: Dark Waters DLC


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Gotowy na morskie wyzwania? W dodatku Dark Waters staniesz do walki z ekoterrorystami na platformie wiertniczej, rozpracujesz przestępczy syndykat na luksusowym jachcie i odkryjesz tajemnice opuszczonego ośrodka. Nowoczesny arsenał, morski sprzęt V.B.S.S. i dynamiczna akcja sprawią, że każda misja zapadnie w pamięć.

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Los Sueños – LSPD Official Statement: October 27th, 10:12am PDT

At approx. 0800 hours this morning a critical situation occurred on offshore oil rig “HeavyWell A-101" and was responded to via tactical response by LSPD SWAT. The “United Peoples Front,” designated by the US Government as a terror group, claimed responsibility for this hostage incident. The situation is still ongoing, further investigation and situation reports are under the jurisdiction of FISA.

The events on the offshore oil rig come shortly after the failed assassination attempt of newly elected governor Whitfield. The LSPD is still working closely with the Highway Patrol, Protective Services, and Federal Officials to ensure Governor Whitfield's safety following the failed assassination attempt during a political event at LSPD HQ last month.

New LSPD maritime capabilities, in cooperation with the Los Sueños C.O.A.S.T. (California Offshore Air and Sea Team), facilitated a rapid response to the hostage incident on HeavyWell A-101. A UH-60 helicopter is now allocated for rapid response and reconnaissance with our SWAT teams.

Mirage at Sea― A well-guarded luxury yacht party conceals the bloody stains of an international crime operation.

Leviathan― An offshore oil rig is overrun by eco-terrorists who begin executing the workers on board.

3 Letter Triad― An abandoned island resort becomes the tense site of a secretive deal.

Separate from exclusive maritime V.B.S.S. and ATLAS equipment, there are additions to the general SWAT armory: the MK17, GA51, M14S-16, MP5SD6, and G3 rifles are intended to help address the need for all SWAT units to handle increasingly dangerous threats at distance.

The V.B.S.S (Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure) exclusive uniform gear is requisitioned from Naval Special Operations unit surplus: Eli-Tec Helmet, Phoenix Flight Suit, TP-1E Carrier, Phoenix Gloves, and Panama Boots.

The uniform for the ATLAS Association, supplied to the LSPD via a tactical support network: Sallet T5X Helmet, Phantasm LS-911 Carrier, ATLAS PRO Top, OxFort Pilot Hard Knuckles, ATLAS PRO Pants, and Salmon 4D GTX Boots.

Systémové požadavky

Systémové požadavky


    • OS *: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
    • Processor: Intel Core i5-4430 / AMD FX-6300
    • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB
    • DirectX: Version 11
    • OS: 64-bit Windows 10
    • Processor: AMD Ryzen 5-1600 / Intel Core i5-7600K
    • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB or better
    • DirectX: Version 11

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